Songs for you…
Alternate Fridays 8am – 10am
Presented by Katie Jones I play new music, old music, everything in between and many guilty pleasures. With occasional guests who have stories to tell, this is a relaxing entry into your Friday morning
What brought you to Phonic FM?
I have loved listening to Phonic for a very long time and really value the celebration of freedom to choose anything and no playlists.
What does Phonic FM mean to you?
Freedom, baby!
What do you do when you’re not on Phonic FM?
I sing with community groups all over East Devon and beyond for Goldies Charity and I also work with Singing for Wellness, using music therapy to promote wellbeing and improve mental and cognitive health. And sometimes I appear on stage.
How do radio presenters do it?
With panache and abandon (and nerves of steel)
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