Niches and Nuances
Third Friday of the month 10am – 12pm
Presented by Zoe Elston, Niches and Nuances explores musical sub-genres from around the world with interluding interviews with local people about places, hobbies and music in and around Exeter. This is a show for the curious; join Zoe to explore new music and stories from Devon and beyond that exist on the fringes of the mainstream and spark your intrigue in new and exciting ways.
What brought you to Phonic FM?
I have been a regular listener for many years.
What does Phonic FM mean to you?
Phonic FM means providing a space for alternativity and creativity on the airwaves. It’s about passionate people sharing music they genuinely love to their local community rather than a station dominated by chart toppers and commercial interests.
What do you do when you’re not on Phonic FM?
Part-time hospitality work alongside freelance audio production and PR work.
How do radio presenters do it?
Coming prepared, being relaxed and adaptable when things don’t work, being passionate about what they are playing. I’m still learning so I’m sure I’ll have more to add to this list soon!
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