The idea behind musomusofm is to play as much new music as humanly possible in the two hour slot I have every two weeks on Phonic FM. I work with loads of emerging bands and artists and to play them on a bonafide FM station is a real boost for the act and gives me a real sense of pride, hearing their music that otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance of receiving airplay.
Whilst I personally have a leaning towards guitar based indie rock acts of the late 80’s and early 90’s, I’ve had to wind my neck in and open my eyes a little more to allow a real diverse mix of acts to feature on my show. I say that “no sound is taboo” and by this I mean that if i feel moved by the music, I’ll give it a play, it might be free jazz, an ambient soundscape or a proper full on indie banger, whatever it might be, if I love it, you’ll hear it!
I’ve run my own music news and review website (musomuso.com) for the past 15 years and prior to this being setup, I wrote for a local ‘what’s on’ style magazine and have built up a massive list of contacts including PR companies, booking agents, promoters and festival organisers.
During the show, the format is simple, I play a track, talk about it and provide you with more information should you wish to learn more. I also have a special guest in the studio on every show, this allows me to chat to the act, ask them some interview style questions so you can find out more about their band and then play at least one track by them.
I have presented shows on other local FM stations including Totnes FM (RIP) and Soundart Radio and thought it was high time I gave the wonderfully friendly folk of Exeter something to get their teeth into on a fortnightly basis.
What brought you to Phonic FM?
After hosting shows on other local FM stations, I found myself without a regular slot to look forward to so I reached out to Paul at Phonic FM and he put me in touch with Pat who looks after the station, we chatted, I did a 1 hour show between Christmas and New Year and Pat must have liked it as he offered me a fortnightly slot every other Friday from 10pm – Midnight!
What does Phonic FM mean to you?
What Phonic FM do is give people like me the chance to come along and play music, interact with listeners, promote acts and generally provide a platform to give emerging and unsigned acts the chance to be heard by the masses. Whilst Spotify playlists are great fun to listen to, you have to have a really strong following before anyone thinks about subscribing to your channel meaning that whilst the content is great, the listener numbers may not be. With Phonic FM, you are going out LIVE on the FM airwaves, via DAB Radio and also via the website so anyone can tune in whenever they please to hear your latest show.
What do you do when you’re not on Phonic FM?
Outside of hosting my radio show, I run my music news and website (musomuso.com), this involves helping to promote releases, events and festivals, I host interview features with bands and artists and also provide live reviews for local shows that I attend. I also have a 9-5 day job which allows me the time in the evening to follow my passion but I won’t bore you with the details!
How do radio presenters do it?
I would say that it’s a skill that comes over time, for the first few shows, you are nervous but after time, you relax into it and it’s just like talking to someone about the music, despite there not being anyone in the studio with you (unless of course you have a guest!) Anyone can do it and I will say that if you are interested in getting involved and need any guidance, please get in touch as I’d be happy to assist.